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kids d.i.y. project

June 4, 2011

Many thanks to Francis Guérin, Love Kindstrand, and Vinci Ting for the following translation of this human recovery project post, which we first learned about on the Irregular Rhythm Asylum blog!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Project kids d.i.y.
4.29 Tokyo and 5.2 Minamisanriku workshops

Through crafts, we launched the making of a network called Project “kids d.i.y.” where children (and youth and adults) in our home Tokyo and various disaster areas can get in touch.

One of the locations for our support workshops is in our very home, Tokyo. The first Tokyo workshop was held at Irregular Rhythm Asylum in Shinjuku, Tokyo, and together with the children of the five families who have endorsed this project, we strived to create things that could be delivered to disaster areas. Even children who were shy in the beginning turned on the switch and showed us their creativity.

One zine page with messages from parents, along with the children’s own pictures and messages, was completed. With that finished zine from the Tokyo workshop, on 5/2, we held another workshop at the shelter of Shizugawa Elementary School in Minamisanriku of the Miyagi prefecture.

With school about to start and shelters being reorganized, there weren’t many children, but from the moment they raised their voices like “I want to make a bunny!”, the few children came running energetically and began to draw pictures and go snip snip with their kirigami. In any case, the children’s desire to have a good time was irrepressible and contagious.

Midway, we got together with a pianica group from Kobe, and alongside a soothing performance, a harmonious and fun time continued until lunch time.

We also made this banner together with the children.

And another zine page, the Shizugawa version with all of the children’s creations, was completed.

Minamisanriku had been a battlefield-like, grand spectacle that was spreading even when we visited at the beginning of May. Still, children were jumping on beds that had come drifting, making them into trampolines, and were playing so energetically. It felt like we saw the creativity and the strength in children who could transform anything into a playground.

Here we would like to warmly thank everyone who has given us their understanding and cooperation for the 4/29 Tokyo workshop and the 5/2 Minamisanriku Shizugawa Elementary School workshop. Thank you very much! Let’s meet again with much spirit.

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  1. June 5, 2011 5:16 pm

    Manifestation Anti Nucleaire Paris
    11 juin journée d’action internationale
    Manifestation 14h30 – Départ République/Paris

    500.000 Manifesteurs expected this month in Paris – le PLUS GRAND DU MONDE – CRAZY !!!!!!!
    Manifestation Anti Nucleaire 11th (each month) Paris = Ironman Hawaii WorldChampionship Anti Nucleaire

    -> Anti Nuclear Demo: 11 June 2011, Departure: République, Paris, FRANCE
    –> Anti Atomkraft Demo PARIS am 11. Juni 2011 um 14h30, Treffpunkt: République, Paris, Frankreich
    20 Atomreaktoren ERDBEBENGEBIET Frankreich

    Organize in time busses and trains to get to Paris – THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT DEMO IN FRANCE…takes place 1x per month…check for details.

    Rechtzeitig Busse und Mitfahrgelegenheiten von Deutschland organisieren. Diese Demo ist die WICHTIGSTE Anti Atom Demo im Moment in Frankreich weil DIREKT in Paris.
    Youth Hostels Paris:
    Please arrive 2-3 days earlier in Paris to post thousands of A6 Demo-Flyers EVERYWHERE in Paris….merci !!

    Nuclear Plants in Earthquake Area (7,0-8,0) in France:
    Centrale Fessenheim 2 Réacteurs (=Oberrheingraben)
    Centrale Bugey 4 Réacteurs (Major Fault Line! African/European Plate)
    Centrale St-Alban 2 Réacteurs (Major Fault Line! African/European Plate)
    Centrale Cruas 4 Réacteurs (Major Fault Line! African/European Plate)
    Centrale Tricastin 4 Réacteurs (Major Fault Line! African/European Plate)
    Centrale Marcoule 4 Réacteurs (Major Fault Line! African/European Plate)

    Nuclear Plants in Earthquake Area (7,0-8,0) in Switzerland:
    Centrale Beznau (Major Fault Line African Plate/European Plate)
    Centrale Gösgen (Major Fault Line African Plate/European Plate)
    Centrale Mühleberg (Major Fault Line African Plate/European Plate)
    Centrale Leibstadt (Major Fault Line African Plate/European Plate)!/photo.php?fbid=167832133270055&set=pu.163293117057290&type=1&theater!/photo.php?fbid=174137335972868&set=pu.163293117057290&type=1&theater

    Professeur Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich Seismologie:

    Christchurch Earthquake Feb 2011, Magnitute 6,3:

    Its not a joke but its true…….9 Atomic plants on the major Fault Lines (African Plate / European Plate) in the French and Swiss Alpes with > 20 reactors operating in the WORST Earthquake Area in Europe, the SwiSS and French Alpes.
    La France a 20 Reacteurs et ARMES NUCLEAIRE dans la plus dangereuse region sismique. Super-GAU en France = 1 Million annes evacuation !

    Tour Anti Nucleaire Paris arrivons 11th of each month in Paris – Tour de France Anti Nucleaire avec protest flags
    departons PARTOUS en Europe…..maybe we even get a team from Ukraine, Russia, Spain, Italy coming with the bike !!!!
    Must put drums/horns/Antinuclear demoflags on bikes so everyone can see the Tour Antinucleaire Paris.
    If we have to stop we stop in the MIDDLE of a city AND MAKE NOISE – we ALWAYS MAKE NOISE IF WE ARE IN EVERY CITY –
    we are very very very Noisy !!!!!!
    Arriving on the 11th of each month in the morning at the Paris Anti Nuclear Demo from
    A4/A5/A6-Demo Flyers….put them everywnere on the road to Paris…..EVERYWHERE

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